Los Angeles

Measure LA will will authorize $5.3 billion for infrastructure and technology upgrades, as well as increase Los Angeles Community College District’s investment in sustainability, athletics facilities, and other improvements throughout the system. Below is the full text of the measure as it will appear on the upcoming November 8th ballot:
To repair/upgrade local community colleges, classrooms, water pipes, sewer/gas lines, technology, science labs for nurses, paramedics, firefighters, veterans; prepare students for jobs/ university transfer; remove asbestos, lead paint; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall Los Angeles Community College District’s measure authorizing $5,300,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $345,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring oversight, all funds used locally?
The bond will cost homeowners no more than 25 dollars per $100,000 of assessed – not market – property value.
Deliver LACCD Colleges state-of-the-art buildings and the facilities and infrastructure to support educational excellence.
- Education facilities to prepare today’s students for 21st century careers
- Optimal facilities that create enriching learning environments
- Be a leader in clean energy and sustainable building practices
- Serve as a catalyst for local economic and employment opportunities for businesses, construction workers and students
2022 Bond Focus:
$1.3 billion for Pre-1970’s Buildings
Renovation or Replacement: 45 Existing Buildings
- California Building Code (CBC) continues to evolve, with strict requirements for K-14 facilities
- Buildings originally completed before 1970 require significant renovation, including complex upgrades to meet fire/life safety, structural, and accessibility

2022 Bond Focus:
$734 million for Infrastructure
Infrastructure for power, water, sewer and central
plant distribution is decades old. Repairs are becoming more frequent, serious and costly. Many of these systems warrant full replacement to ensure continuity of operations.
Exterior campus lighting is targeted for modernization to improve safety, ensure dark night sky, and to save energy.
Campus sidewalks, roadways and parking lots will be considered in infrastructure upgrades.
Replacing these utilities with modern underground systems will lower operational costs and reduce risks of business disruption.

2022 Bond Focus:
$300 million for Technology
Some of the District’s technology infrastructure and power grid is approaching 30+ years.
Addressing the aging technology infrastructure is a key component of the bond measure.
Upgrades include:
- Equipping Hybrid Flexible Classrooms to keep pace with the general advances in technology, but more importantly to meet the expectations of students.
- Upgrading fiber optic cabling systems and backbones.
- Upgrading wireless networks at all campuses.
- Upgrading copper cabling.

2022 Bond Focus:
$687 Million for Sustainability
2020 LACCD Resolution Goals:
- Achieve carbon-free energy consumption for all other energy uses by 2040
Measures to begin to meet Sustainability goals:
- Convert interior lights to LED lighting (expected savings of 9,240,000 kWh/year, $1.3M annual savings, 4,000 metric tons of CO2)
- Upgrading existing photo-voltaic (PV) systems for increased energy production
- Increase College PV systems with battery storage (microgrid), optimize on-site green energy production and resiliency
- Convert Central Utility Plants from gas-fired boilers to electric boiler
- Install additional Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at all colleges

2022 Bond Focus:
$163 million for Athletic Facilities
College sports facilities used by students, athletes, and the community are visibly aging – 30% of Pre-1970s buildings are athletics buildings.
Upgrades for fields and support facilities range from field resurfacing to constructing new fields.
Artificial turf increases hours of use for each field and reduces maintenance.
Sports/rec facilities improve wellness, create a richer college experience, and ensure adequate competitive facilities and equity.

Under the District’s PLA, local hires are outperforming its goal of 35%:
- Local Worker hires are at 36% while Local LA/OC Workers are at 74%
Local, Small, Emerging, Disabled –Veteran (LSEDV) Program – 30% goal; outperforming at 48%
- Geared to encouraging the use of local, small, emerging and disabled-veteran owned businesses
- Certification from a Federal agency or by a public agency in California are accepted
- Small Contractor Boot Camp offered semi-annually to learn how to do business with LACCD
- Assist in identifying subcontracting opportunities with general contractors
- Use B2GNOW to monitor compliance
- CED staff available for one-on-one meetings to discuss bond program and LSEDV opportunities
LWHP (Local Workforce Hire Program)
- Placed 105 new apprentices who graduated from Trade-Tech, Southwest and community pre-apprenticeship programs

Program Governance
- Board of Trustees
- Facilities, Master Planning & Oversight Committee
- Bond Steering Committee
- District Citizens’ Oversight Committee
- Building User Groups
- College Administration
- Bond Program Monitor